![]() Live life to the fullest! |
incredible situation. it's latern festival lately. well quite fun though. hmms. wells. then story between me and him. i predict dhat it's suppose to end sooner or later. ohh wells. cause celine my DARHLING had let me seen through his TRUE COLOURS. probably. it's FATED. me and him. are meant to be only FRIENDS. shouldn't have started it in the first place. hmms. rather sad these days. but rather happy too. dunn0 is it having the so called 桃花运 or what so ever. xD ohh wells. i have a habit of typing my thoughts in my drafts. on 23 sep. i wrote this while waiting for jeremy to bring me out. it was latern festival. thought it was gonna be exiciting but turns out to be heartBREAKING. i wrote : when i'm feeling lonely, where were you?. when i need someone to share my feelings with, were you even there for me. when you said you wanted to stead wif me, i treat that as a real confession through your own feelings towards me.. yet you told other people that you did that just to let me forget about him.. are you in WRONG? Or was it just me?. big disappointment. especially when you took your time out from the busy schedule of yours to sms and care about you expecting you to at least reply ONCE. Yet turns out to have either ignorance or forgetfulness from you. then when you sprained your ankle , you would rather tell her than telling your own stead. REASON, you dun wan me to worry for you. WHAT THE HELL?! my love rival who is my best friend tends to know you better than me. do you know that thiskinda of feeling is really not nice?.. call you dun say eh le keep tying eh eh. first few days after confession, you were not like this de. that time when you type eh le then you will write back DARLING! but now?.. when ii told you not to, you replied an explanation saying that it's just another word like umm or hmmm. then, none of your messages to me was like what a couple should write. NONE. not even when i wish you could call me darling once more. haiishh. nebermind it doesn't matter anymore. ohh wells. i must stay STRONG. STRONG STRONG STRONG!!
7:57 PM ♥
Sunday, September 09, 2007
a TRAGIC endinqq.. didn't really expect him t0 have a stead sh0 s0on.. 0hh well ii 've already wash my hands on his affairs le.. wh0 cares.. just h0pe that .. hmmms.. they'll last l0nqq.. BEST WISHES t0 them.. this 1 week h0lidayy.. ii spent my time mostly goiing out wif two of my VERY g0od friends wh0 are : celine and kai hong.. LOL. it was quite a exciting time as.. hmmms.. they are very humorous and had also kill time spending wif me.. we went sh0pping.. watched DEAD SILENCE.. went roller - blading .. and NIGHTcycling.. with kai hong nia cause celine g0ne home :/ which was kinda COOL.. :DD and finally today.. celine , kai hong and me went to play badminton ^^ well.. alot 0f things happenedd.. which kinda made me fed up.. till n0w.. ii still remain as quite a str0ng girl :like what kai hong said : ii can hold my tears ^^ s0 many things happen.. s0 little time t0 handle.. and life has t0 carry on no matter what.. well what ii wanna say t0 myself is that.. STAY STRONG , SABRINA :DD
9:08 PM ♥
Saturday, September 01, 2007
c0mpletely knew n0thiinqq ab0ut h0w t0 edit myy BLOG!! but still must thank celine f0r helpinqq miie sh0 muchh ((: l0ves, sabrinaa
8:43 PM ♥
I love E402, City Harvest Church :D Jesus and Holy spirit :} Kefei(♥), Emily(♣)&Shuwei(♦). &Guitar family :B ! Ofcourse, all my friends and gans :} Especially those whom has always been there for me: Jasmine.K, Melvin, Brandon, Wenting, Jiahui, Shanelle, Chrislyn. :) Last Updated: 11 feb'10
Happy always! ♥♥♥ Good results! :) Grow taller! :[ More money! $.$ Volleyball Cute furry pencil box Cute earrings! :p White shorts Small Mirror White flats Nice dresses Customized hp chain Cute hp strap Crumple bag Big big eeyore(s) ! Let the fire of my Spirit for Him to always burn! :) I want my sunshineeeee. :( Shop like a crazy ass ! :B Going through thick and thin together, Facing consequences and sharing happiness. Even if someday some misunderstanding stood up, Do not give up, you need not have to 'pay back'. Continue doing your part as a friend. Keeping helping them. Cause, That's whad true friends are. And also whad i believe in :) Loves, Sabby :D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes, actions may not be appreciated by others whom you really cared for. But as long as you know dhat you're doing your part, dhat's good enough :) The level of faith, is the level of forgiveness. I love all my friends :) Do you ? :D Hahaha. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hs Guitar Ensemble ♥ HS Leadership Council ♥ Four'E'fourrrr ! Soundwaves ({(: A,B,C&D(s) Alvin ♥Amanda.K Amanda Amanda.Y Andrea April.C Ardella Andy Asyikhin Axel BabyJoy Brandon.C Brandon.H CaiJun Calvin Cecilia ♥Celine.L Cheryl.C Cheryl.Y Chuan Dong ChunFai Deannz Desmond Doreen E,F,G&H(s) Eastella Eddin Edna Ellyn Elysia Enoch Eric.T Eunice Fathul Farhan ♥Fate.S Felicia Fred Ghimchoon Gina Haien Haikai Hakkim Haohe HuiMin HuiQi Huiting Huixin I,J,K&L(s) Inez ♥Ingelica.L Janice Jasmine.C Jasmine.S Jasper Jessica Jesslyn.N Jiaen ♥Jiahui Jialing Jiasiang Jiaxuan Jiaxuan Jillian Jieyi Joanne Joey Joey Joey.O Jolene Jotina Jovina Joyce Julia.O Julia Junhan Junze June Jyelin KaiHong Kiwi ♥Kefei Kenny KokSiong Laureen Linda Liying M,N,O&P(s) Magdeline Marcus Marcus.C Melissa.Y Melissa Miriam Momo Natasha Nicholas Nicholas Nicole Nigel Nora Olivia Ophila Peiling Peishun Peixian Q,R,S&T(s) Qianhui Qingxiang Qinyin Queenie Regina.T Rouwen Sabrina Sabrina.F Selicia.L Shannon Sharifah Sheena Sherlyn Sherman Shiyun Shuting Surya Tanny ♥Tiffany Tingfang Thricia V,W,X,Y&Z(s) Vanessa Vincent Vivian ♥Waner Wenjie Wanyi Wayne.W Weiliang ♥Wenting William Xavier Xiangyue Xinhao Xinyi.L Xinyi ♥Xuanwei Xuanyi Yeexuan Yongliang Yuanyiing Yuki Yunhui Yuxin Zarinar Zhengxi Zhilin Zhiyong September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 November 2014 Editor : S/Sabrina ♥ |