勇敢的, 走下去 .
Live life to the fullest!
Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's already the 8th tissue paper im using.
Why cant it just stop ? ;(

1:01 AM ♥

Monday, July 13, 2009


Exams are coming !!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH ! D:
I feeeeeeel like fainting right now and never gotta wake up manxsxszxszxzxzsx !
Reality's just so cruel. Sian :/
I can't take it anymore ...

I'm gonna ..






















Sleep. Goodnights!
Shall update some other time k? :}
HEHHEHE, I love All my friends.
Especially Kefei, Janer, Xuan wei, Emily, Shuwei, Xavier, Choongwei, Waner, Yih Koon, Jia Li, Fedora, Wenting, Xinfa. And blah blah.
Let me rephrase:
I love all my friends.
Especially those who are really thr for me. :}

Thankyou Lord, for such wonderful people.

12:35 AM ♥