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Monday, March 10, 2008
SMILES ;D It's been quite a long time since i post eh! Like a .. month ? D; Im lazy ;p Ahhahaas, well, to summarize this whole month , Im feeling HAPPY most of dhe time((: Manymany goodgood things happened . Inccidents like seeing my grades improve ;D &seeing how BALL actually pulled through a breakthrough which eventually made our friendship much much stronger ;D hmmmmm, let just let me post whad happened these few days alright ? (: o7March'o8 CHALET ! Celebrating birthdays of fellow besties <3 Ingelica, Jasmine, Wayne, Melvin, Desmond (; it wa FUN FUN FUN ! Love it luhs xD &Desmond uh ! he has got a habit of taking action on people when he's sleeping ;x Opps DD; ummm, carry on (; After cross country race, like bout 4.30pm? when STRAIGHT home to bath &prepare . dhen reached hougang point at 5.30pm. PHEW, dhat was so rushing for me ! Wells, then waited for gelly &headed to downtown east ! YEAHS , taxitaxi ;D paid by me -.= lawls but the guys uh , so poor thing, must squeeze into melvin's uncle van. came out that time all look like they've been going for suana ! all sweating like mad ! x.x YUCKS ! ;x dhen went to block K. prepared the food and all dhat while waiting for ardella, who has the key to the chalet room (: well , till like 7plus ? she finally came ! ;D &went to put all the bags inside and start barbequeing (: YUMMYYYYYYY ! (: same logic, the guys always ate more than the girls . this time , no exceptional -.- well , it was fun lahs . some doing the cooking, some eating , some playing, some talking, some filling up the water balloons . wowwowwow (: then xinfa & jinhao go around telling people ; NI HAO YOU MUO OH ! -.- then i was like ? HUH ?! i answered ; siao uh ;x dhen they say ; yao bu yao bao jing ? LAUGHS ! obviousy they're so cute lahs ! xD Aahhahas, till like 9plus , all went inside and drank breezer ;D RAWKS can ? ! i drank 2bottles . then they all claimed dhat im DRUNK . but, IM NOT ! im just feeling a lil ; `headache `nord waking straightly `talkin a lil craps ;x but im veh concious ;D liddat only ma . considered drunk mehs?! ;o Ahahas, well dhen all went sleeping lahs . dhen the stupid desmond uh . HE Hor ! ARGH , nevermind ;p o8MARCH'08 NEXT MORNING ((: woke up at bout 8plus ? then thinking of wads for breakfast ;l glanced outside , peeps trying to start fire -.-' smart peoples went to buy macdonals ;D unfotunately, i found myself together with those trying to start fire xD Lawls , then at last , ended up with .. ..chips -.- ! then checked out at 10.45am ;D walk walk walk ... finally thought of where to go . conclusion ; tampanies watch movie ; 10,000BC ((: wells, reached there like 12.00pm ? went to buy tickets and slck around yeh , then went in &watch the movie ;D It was VIOLENT ! Yet touching T.T i commented it as nice (: but my other peeps said it sucks -.- so .. i dont know whad to say ;l then went to find caijun , miss her so much can ! then went home after dhat norhs ;l AHhahas, the chalet rawks lahs! ♥♥♥♥♥ o9oct'o8♥ me&caijun stead 's 5th month! Yeahs, iloveher ! so so much <3 but sad luhs, throughout this day i didnt really enjoy though. cause battery went flat ! cant sms her at all luhs ! x.x ohkay, woke up at 8am, went to bathe and met up wit axel at th bus stop and went to expo hall 1 together. so tiring can?! walaos, but for God uh, worth it luhs ;D hmm then after service went to sing kbox with church fellows at katong ;o! so far ! but had quite an enjoyable time dhere (: Max can sing ceh well eh ! propro ;D dhen later like 4plus? went to town and took mrt to bishan to meet with my mum & my sister . suppose to go fishing but cause of raining, dhen went to watch movie instead (; watched ' the leap years ' well, i said it was veh veh nice ! ;D but my mum & sis said i really had bad taste ;l they say soso niahs,. but veh touching leh ! cried about 4times throughout the show lor! NICE lahs xD hohoh, then went home , SLEEP ! damn tiring ;l 10March'o8 TODAYYYYYY ! ;D morning, like 11plus? CaiJun baobeh <3 came my house. dhen she waited for me to prepare and get ready. cause we're gonna go to SPCA with our form teacher; ms koh. dhen when we reached there, she was nowhere in sight . went around asking friends if they've seen ms koh anywhere. then finally we got it ; ms koh got us the wrong information about the date to SPCA -.- it was NEXT monday nord this monday . WhaddheH . But nevermind lahs, went to CaiJun house. Slack lor , watch elevision programmes all dhat ;x well , iloveher can ? dunno whad to give her for our anni siahs ! >< she totally rawks lahs ! MWARKS ! ♥♥♥♥ well , nothing much already eh ! ;D everyone, do takecare uh ! Raining nowadays so please remeber to close your windows ! ;D TAKECARES " #ilovebaobeh ; o9Oct is favourited ♥ bydheway, today's horny ;x
10:50 PM ♥
I love E402, City Harvest Church :D Jesus and Holy spirit :} Kefei(♥), Emily(♣)&Shuwei(♦). &Guitar family :B ! Ofcourse, all my friends and gans :} Especially those whom has always been there for me: Jasmine.K, Melvin, Brandon, Wenting, Jiahui, Shanelle, Chrislyn. :) Last Updated: 11 feb'10
Happy always! ♥♥♥ Good results! :) Grow taller! :[ More money! $.$ Volleyball Cute furry pencil box Cute earrings! :p White shorts Small Mirror White flats Nice dresses Customized hp chain Cute hp strap Crumple bag Big big eeyore(s) ! Let the fire of my Spirit for Him to always burn! :) I want my sunshineeeee. :( Shop like a crazy ass ! :B Going through thick and thin together, Facing consequences and sharing happiness. Even if someday some misunderstanding stood up, Do not give up, you need not have to 'pay back'. Continue doing your part as a friend. Keeping helping them. Cause, That's whad true friends are. And also whad i believe in :) Loves, Sabby :D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes, actions may not be appreciated by others whom you really cared for. But as long as you know dhat you're doing your part, dhat's good enough :) The level of faith, is the level of forgiveness. I love all my friends :) Do you ? :D Hahaha. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hs Guitar Ensemble ♥ HS Leadership Council ♥ Four'E'fourrrr ! Soundwaves ({(: A,B,C&D(s) Alvin ♥Amanda.K Amanda Amanda.Y Andrea April.C Ardella Andy Asyikhin Axel BabyJoy Brandon.C Brandon.H CaiJun Calvin Cecilia ♥Celine.L Cheryl.C Cheryl.Y Chuan Dong ChunFai Deannz Desmond Doreen E,F,G&H(s) Eastella Eddin Edna Ellyn Elysia Enoch Eric.T Eunice Fathul Farhan ♥Fate.S Felicia Fred Ghimchoon Gina Haien Haikai Hakkim Haohe HuiMin HuiQi Huiting Huixin I,J,K&L(s) Inez ♥Ingelica.L Janice Jasmine.C Jasmine.S Jasper Jessica Jesslyn.N Jiaen ♥Jiahui Jialing Jiasiang Jiaxuan Jiaxuan Jillian Jieyi Joanne Joey Joey Joey.O Jolene Jotina Jovina Joyce Julia.O Julia Junhan Junze June Jyelin KaiHong Kiwi ♥Kefei Kenny KokSiong Laureen Linda Liying M,N,O&P(s) Magdeline Marcus Marcus.C Melissa.Y Melissa Miriam Momo Natasha Nicholas Nicholas Nicole Nigel Nora Olivia Ophila Peiling Peishun Peixian Q,R,S&T(s) Qianhui Qingxiang Qinyin Queenie Regina.T Rouwen Sabrina Sabrina.F Selicia.L Shannon Sharifah Sheena Sherlyn Sherman Shiyun Shuting Surya Tanny ♥Tiffany Tingfang Thricia V,W,X,Y&Z(s) Vanessa Vincent Vivian ♥Waner Wenjie Wanyi Wayne.W Weiliang ♥Wenting William Xavier Xiangyue Xinhao Xinyi.L Xinyi ♥Xuanwei Xuanyi Yeexuan Yongliang Yuanyiing Yuki Yunhui Yuxin Zarinar Zhengxi Zhilin Zhiyong September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 November 2014 Editor : S/Sabrina ♥ |