![]() Live life to the fullest! |
Saturday, May 31, 2008
BENNET ! :DD Wheeeeees ! :D Helloooos peepooos ! I'm back from ignite camp x} Ahahs, organised by city harvest church {(; It was one word to discribe ; F-U-N ! :D Ahahs. &Learnt loads of stuffs. God teach me alot of things ;l &i know , He'll always be dhere for me :D Ahahs, did alot of things laaaas. 29th May ' o8 Well, morning started out ; badly -.- Suppose to take bus 159, i went to take 156 -.- Now i really know whads dhe difference. Loool, instead of taking me to ang mo kio, it took me to bishan. An hour trip from compass point -.- Im like suppose to meet my fellow group lah ? Dhen late le lor. Loools, late queen -.- Hmmms, dhen. Took mrt to sembawang. Looools, saw dhem and went to dhe campsite together :D &Woahlaaaa ! ; loads of people i see x} Ahahs, had games and all dhat laaaas. Dhen went for lunch, after dhat , amazing race . We're suppose to win de lor, dhey gave us dhe wrong hint. So , started out badly too -.- Dhen went to dhe riverwalk dhere, gonna have sessions from yilun (; Hais, she talked bout dhe hurting people gone through in life ;l I immediately broke down when her speech ended. Just like dhose who got hurt too. Cried and cried )); Flashing back those memories which got us hurt. Thinking dhat its time to refocus and forgive and forget. &Ohwell, i really learnt something ! :D Ahahs, dhen went for dinner. I must say, all dhe meals can really make you full siols ! FAT ! ;x Hmmm, unpacked, and bathe :D OHMYTIANS, NO HEATER -.- Zz, dhen bath in cold water, hear lots of gals screaming ; " COLDDDDDDDDD ! " Loools, including me xP Ohnoooo , nightwalk -.- woke up again , dhen got blindfolded. Walked around lor, dhen hold sholder to shoulder. Partners kept changing, dhen kept asking ; "Who are you man ?! " Looools ;x Fun laaaas, some so tall -.- cant even reach dheir shoulder. Games ended at threeplus am :D 30th May' o8 Loooools, moring ! :D Had breakfast , loool. FULL x.x dhen later went for games. Planned alot for dhe upcoming camp fire :D Our team ; Bennet ! Rawks can ! Our cheers all so nice laaaas ! Ohkay, dhen later lunch, dhen looool. Freetime , till like 6lus, had dinner. Pig siols, keep eating ._. Haaaas, dhen CAMPFIREEEEEEEEEE ! Woottts, nice you know ! :D Dhen later had plays from different groups and ofcourse, our cheering competition. Ohya, first day, Bennet won ! Woooots ! 660 pints siols ! Ahahas, dhen, ummm. Loools, back to rom, took stuffs and bathe , Once again, cold water ): Ahahs, dhen SLEEP . I slept dhe wrong bed ! >< Was at kefei's bed, dhen i see dhem playgames dhen slowly jiu. zzzzzzzz ; Blackout , meaning , sleep . LOOOOOOL ! How dumb (; 31thJune'o8 Morning, woke up. Ahahs, went to wash up dhen later , breakfast :D Went up to have dhe bed packed nicely. All dhe bed shits and blankets and pillows sheet folded nicely too :D After dhat , went for sessions at dhe riverwalk again. Hmm, said about inflence and choosing to believe ;D Nice laaaaas, and im trying to change to dhe better (; Dhen later, hmm, got prize presenting ;D Wheeeeeeeeees, had lots of prizes laaas, Lazy to say ;x Hmmms, dhen went to ben & jerry for ice creams ! :D Nice nice ((: Ahahs, later went home, play com x} Dhen bath , jiu , hohos. Sweet dreammms ! :DD Wells, dhe camp. I must say, it was really really fun :D &Most importantly, i learnt some important stuffs from them all. I've see how mighty dhey love and serve people of all kinds. &How God's unconditional love have touched us all :D Ahahs, forgive and let go. Implying on them now and dhen. Ilovedhemall ! Especially dhe bennets ! :D #His unconditional love {(;
8:06 PM ♥
Thursday, May 29, 2008
![]() Don't know what dhe fucking's wrong with me. No mood at all . Just wanna say ; i'm utterly upset . CRYCRYCRY . Whaddever, i'm just a sickening cry baby yea ? -.- Watched indiana jones, blahblah x.x Tomorrow going ignite camp. Hope it'll be fun ? ;l Takecares everyone, will miss you all . Especially from 29th-31st may. No mood laaaas, so dont expect me to post bout how i really feel now ? Probably posting some other time bah. Anyways, takecares. yousaidigottaforcemyselftoletyougo, wellnowimreallytrying, Orshildisay,forcingmyselfto? beilieveitornord,ishard. &comittingintodherelationshipwithhim. Isevenharder,norddhatidontwantto. Icant. Hecouldntevnsms,askhimcallmetalk, healsolanlan,whadcanido? evenyouarethinkingdhatitsmyfault. alright,imjustdhatbitchyfuckingbadgalalright? whaddeva, to let go, is just a matter of time. &IBLAMENOONE. #Let the past, be past/memories.
12:32 AM ♥
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
♥ /} spelled . ![]() I was scared, stressed out ; missyou / } ♥ Today, went for training. As usual, turn out late -.- Woke up at 9am ? &dhe training was like. Stated already. Zz, rushed, dhen train. After training, saw my boy(: Talked, &Ohyes ! I really miss him ! ); Ahas, wheees ^^ Dhen, he went home, while me, ardella and ingelica went to hougang point ;D For lunch ofcourse, drank and ate. Later, loools, jinhao told me he and dumb pig was like, Just downstairs my house ?! Im like ? Wthellls ? .__. Ahahs, rushed home, by the time dhey already went home. Cause is like, they waited from 1pm to 3pm ;x Blahhhh x.x sorryyyyyyyyyys ! Reached home, bathed =) Dhen, went to hougang point to meet up with jinhao and xinfa {(; Slacked at mac, dhen desmond and vincent came. Looools, did nothing much too, decided to go home. Was already like, 7plus ? Jinhao and i waa wanting to walk home ;D Loools, siao ehs xD Along the way, i . Got bang by a car -.- Zz, tamade, i walk walk, dhen. Suddenly dhe car turn towards me. Dhen i just stood dhere like a block o.o Bang * Lol, stood up, walked off. Loooools, driver kept aplogising =) Dhen, jinhao uhs . Bueytahan . Kept splashing water on me -.- ! Took bus in dhe end, went home. Bathed ;D Ahas, now posting. Yawns, sians, tomorrow, meeting jinhao to get my phone -.- Left it with him, loools, muddle-head me . Well dhens, gonna go for church camp in 2days more ! Hope it'll be fun ? (; Takecares all ! ♥♥ Just something which came across my mind ; Your eyes, were dhe thing dhat kept me spelled. I still believes in love, but dhere wont be a doubt dhat hurttings wont occure. My heart aches, when seeing you walked away. Yet i have to pretend, i dont really care D; Cause, im forbidden, so locked. Your love, is whad i desire ♥ Imissyou ))))))))))))); {!} Whr had you gone to ? T.T Its hard to find somone who wont hurt you. &to yet love you so much ; dhat was dhe past you ♥ You lead my way to happiness. Yet now just said, you made a mistake. I was never wrong to love you♥ tryingrealrealhard, nordtocareandbotherboutyou. yetidontwannahavemyfriendshipw/youdriftedapart. please,whyamialwaysdheonethinkingsomuch? howiwishicouldbeasignorantasyou. sighs,imissyougal )))));♥ #People do, change.
11:58 PM ♥
♥ /} spelled .
11:58 PM ♥
}/ edited ♥ More photos to be uploaded ;D }/Post edited ♥ Looooools, tired -.- Just had a fun yet tiring day x} Met with jinhao dhen with ingelica and ivan at compass point. Dhen later went to hougang point to meet with xinfa. Loools, ate ice-cream, &LOL. Ingelica was like plying dhose cartoon plasters dhat ivan bought for her lahs xD Ahahs, cute right she ? x} Took photos :D Looools, had plasters on our faces -.- Ahahs, funny lahs, even ivan, jinhao and xinfa also put siah xD Ofcourse , unwillingly ;x Ohkays, dhen took bus 159 to amk hub, dhen took mrt and sit to somerset ;D Ahahs, chat , and saw alvin and freddy x} Dhen alighted, along the way, helped people buy tissues xD Loools, goooooooooooooood rights ? ;x Hehhehs, dhen went to orchard cinelasure , dunno hw to spell ;x Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ^^ Finally, can buy my cookie monster pouch and soft toy le ! :DD Ahahas, at first, dhe shop owner went for his lunch. So went shopping around and bought with ingelica dhe 'best friend' necklace ((; It's prettyyyy ♥ Dhen, FINALLY ! Dhe shop owner came back :DDDD Loooools, dhen xinfa bought me dhe cookie monster soft toy ! &i paid for my cookie monster pouch :D Ahahs, THANKYOU DUMBPIGGGG ! ♥ tehehes, love it ! :D Dhen went to kfc and had our lunch{(; Funny lahs, went all dhe way to orchard just to buy my cookie monster xD Ahahs, thankyou guys ! ♥ Dhen took mrt and sit all dhe way to pasir ris ;D Gonna go for jeremy's chalet ! Walked at whitesands for quite some time ; bought quite alot of stuffs also ;D Ahahs, dhen went for downtown east (; Reached, lol, all nord dare to go lahs. So i just walked in first lorh, saw jeremy and some unknown people. We were like, -.- Dhens, took courage and walked to one of the tables and sat down. I went to borrow polka cards, and we played lorh :D Ahas, childish x} Dhen around 9plus, ingelica went home with her parents. Left xinfa, jinhao and i :D Dhen took bus to pasir ris interchange dhen sat bus 88. Sent xinfa to hougang point . Wasehs, damn tired lahs -.- Dhen waited for 159 ;l Boarded, alighted , waved goodbye to my BESTFRIEND ;D &Walked home from compass point, Lols. Reached home at bout' 11.55pm ? Ahahs, quickly bathed, dhen now, post :DD Looooooools, had fun today! ♥ Tomorrow gonna see huairen ! ♥ Imissmyboy ); Ahas, cause having volleyball training, Hope he'll go for his ncc training ? {(; Love all peeps and fellows ! ♥♥♥♥ dontbesoemolahs? sighs,cantellyoulovehimalotalot;l &alsotryingvehhard. Soi'lljustsupportyoualrighta? jiayoujiayous!:D ilovemyex-stead♥ #Loving, is a dignity♥
1:13 AM ♥
Monday, May 26, 2008
} / thanks . ![]() Trying to blend into your life " Hellooooos peepoos :D Wellwells, posting once i woke up. Looools, just wanna post bout' yesterday yea ? x} Went out for dinner, met with jinhao xD Ahahs, dhen walked all dhe way to rivervale plazza. Had dinner and looools, after dhat, went to dhe nearby playground. Slackslack , nothing to do marh, jiu .. hehheh x} TAKE PHOTOS ! :D Wheeeeeeeees ^^ Ahahs, funny laaas, me and him. We kept taking and taking and taking siols, Like bout 24 pictures all together laaaas xD Dhen finallly settled down with dhis photo ; ![]() nord bad right ? xD Jinhao's like advertising toothpaste ! ;x Ahahs, had fun {(; Went home, played com and planned for tomorrows' outing. Slept, sweetdreams :D TODAYYYYYY ! :DD Looools, later gonna go out with these fellow loves ; Ingelica, jinhao, xinfa and me :D Going to orchard dhen to bugis, dhen later to jeremy's chalet. Loooooolls, hope i'll have fun yea ? ;D Takecare peeeppoooos, and have fun cause its ; SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ! sorryfornordaskingyoufellowsoutyea? Justhadtosharewithusbout'ourlives, canayis'personallives'also,willjioyouguysoutasapdekays? loveyouall<33 &yea,justlikewhadhesaid, nordonlyme,butalotofpeoplereallymissesdhepastyou, you'vereallychangedalotalot)): butlikewhadhetoldme;gottalearnhowtoacceptdhechangedyou. whads'donecantbeundone,soprettily,startfacingreality. #Reality is a cruel thing♥
10:39 AM ♥
Sunday, May 25, 2008
![]() Learn to draw a line♥ Ahas, helloos peeeps ;D Yesterday too busy finding blogskins, forgotten to post ! D; 24thMay'o8 -- Happy 2nd Month :DD Loools, woke up, at 3plus ;x Pig sehs ! x} Dhen jinhao asked wanna go xuanyi house nords. Jiu go lorh , dhen got everything prepared at bout' 4plus. Went down and saw jinhao ! :D Thanks bestfriend, from coming all dhe way from xuanyi's house to my house downstairs ;D Ahahs, reached xuanyi's house and loools, so many ken's friends. I sit dhere zuo bo -.- But neverminds, when dhey left, used ken's computer. Loooools, laggggy ;x Dhen kept finding blogskins , finally found dhis current one :D Hmmm, went to have dinner dhen yep, went home at bout 10.30pm ? {(; Played computer till like 5am ? Looools , terrible me ;x Tired &sweetdreams ;D Today :DD Woke up at 1plus ;x Pig lahs, dhat's whad dump pig name me as. Ahahas, dhen use computer till now yea ? Nothing to do jiu post lorhs x} Later gonna go for job interview ;l Whad kinda job ? Door to door sales -.- but nevermind lahs, can kill time :D Magdeline honey has now become my deardear :DD Wheeees, she's so thoughful and sweet can ? So chio also x} Ahahs, out love starts today ! 25.05.08 you're my dearest deardear♥♥ Ahahs, she rawks ! :D Tralalalals, hope tomorrow will be fun yea? (: &Ofcourse, i'll learn to love more and do more :D ihaventchangedhehabitofhavingdhenecklacewithme; whereverigo,nordbecauseihaventstarttolletgo, butjustdhatihaventlearntogetridofdhishabitofhavingthememoriesofuswithme. &dhehabitoflovingyou,dontworry,isfadingawayslowly♥ #Habit is a terrible thingy, especially in a wrong way♥
2:48 PM ♥
Saturday, May 24, 2008
It's time ➷ Ohkays, today's post . Hmmm, woke up, hehheh , didnt late for school seh ! xD Ahahs, dhen reached school, had lesson. Talked to cherly chia quite alot today{(; Had some advices for her and she gave me suggestions on mine toos(; Dhey asked, --- already heck care you le, dhen whad for you still need care for --- silently ? Dhen i'm like thinking, hmmm, make sense yea ? ;l Hais, was all never meant to be lahs . If --- hadn't agree or --- didnt go chage dhe contact name, dhen zz. All dhese troubles wont happen lahs, make me and ahmoo sad also. Tamade -.- seriously - f-ckedlove . FUCK CARE . Hais, but all seemed so hard ? )); Neverminds , drop dhe subject(; Ahahas, dhen after school, went to hougang point dhe kfc . Dhen later to the soccer field dhere {(; Boys kicked soccer, gals play daidee ! :D Loools, ingelica uhs , so addicted to it luhs ! ;x Was funnnnnnnn(; Went to take a stroll myself around dhe neighbourhood, Chatted with dumbpig quite alot of stuffs laaas ;D Hhohos, he's caring ! D; Lawls, dhen came back alone dhat timedhe gals all went home -.- I'm like, aiyohs, never tell me . Leaving me dhe only gal luhs , -.- Gotta wait for bestfriend, jinhao. Orelse uhs, he'll say me pangseh him again. So i'm like sooooooo extra ?! Like dog luhs, kept following dhem. So kept walking off alone, came back xuanyi say i emo. Lol x} Ahas, dhen stayed till like 7plus. Boys dhey all stop playing soccer, is like .. finally ? Hehhes, dhen sat at dhe shelter dhere. With ; xinfa, jinhao, changhui, desmond, xuanyi, gordon, vincent, jp &me . Talked bout quite alot of stuffs uh, dhen changhui kept craking lameeeee jokes just to keep dhe conversation going, how thoughtful ! :D Loooooooools ;x Miracle siahs, jinhao and xinfa can stay till like 9 dhen go ehys ! DD; Ahahs, bestfriend pei me home((; Thankyoouuus jinhao ! :DD Wells, had quite alot of boring yet fun times today. But yea, saw she and she, dhat image , destroy my mood laaaahs ); But neverminds, gonna act like i dont care though . Peeeeeeeeeps ! ➷ It's finally holiday ! :D Hope you guys will learn to play hard &also nord neglect your studies ! :D Gogogogoogogogogos ! ♥♥ iknwimnordasperfectascomparedtoher. butsometimes,justfeltjealousluhs, soyea,ifnowadaysreally,saidthingsmakingyoudulan. butisjustcauseimjealousbarh.well,tryingnordtocare. itsjustsohardhardhard♥ reallywondering;howdidyoudoit? #so unbelivable{(;
12:14 AM ♥
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
trying hardddddddd ! )): ![]() Learning how to let it go<3 Hellooooooos peeeps ! :DD Ahahs, my blog is sooooooo dead T.T Lools, kinda lazy to post nowadays cause of some stuffs you see ;l Sighs, well then. Carry on reading , blahblah x.x 16th-17May'o8 ; Caijun's chalet :D 16th ; Remembering it was a friday, which means normal school day -.- Loools, went to school &rushed straight back home to get changed and pack dhe chalet stuffs. Ahahs, met ophila &jasmine at compass point dhe bus-stop dhere at bout .. 2.15pm ? Supposingly to meet della dhey all at houagng point mac at 2.30pm derh. But dhe bus larh ! Took such a longgggg time to come, so i guess, dhey went mad and went ahead first ;x Met, gathered , and went off to pasir ris :D Ahahs, checked in and saw caijun dhey all (; Her parents ; as cute as ever xD Loooooools, ;x ohwells, dhen went to prepare the bbq food. Didnt really helped much though ;x Sorry ! >< &people were all, busy with their own jobs((: For me, i peeled the prawns shells off . Ahahs, stickyyyyyy x.x but fun laaas :D Dhen caijun's sister, suddenly got me tuh sit beside her stead, im like, lol ? but still sit laaas, dhen chey ! she wanna take photo of my shirt niah lah -.- Still make me happy for nothing ;x Ahahs, cute luhs ((; &Cut cake time ! ;D HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY , CAIJUN :DD Sang birthday song and yeap, was fun (= Caijun , sorry . Well, before cutting cake, took group pictures ;D It was, FUNNN ! ;D Dhen started eating and all . &Drank breezer ! :D Wheees, i MUST proclaim dhat ; I am NOT drunk lah dey ! Aiyohs, im just , TIRED :D Ahaha ;x huairen helped me alot(; Thanks baby♥ hhohohs, went to dhe beach and stroll in a big clique(; But yea, something happened, so everyone like, rush back to dhe chalet ? Plus people like ardella was drunk ! Lols, funny siah ;D She's cute ! & ophila(; Dhen peeps starting to went home one after another. Sad siah ); But sure had a great time ! Chatted outside with ingleica, jinhao, xinfa, brandon, songjie, weiliang, xinhao &kenny bout our life(; Knew quite alot of interesting stuffs bout them all ehys ;D While others, sit inside dhe room watching shows (; dhen went home lorh , left, Caijun , xuanyi , me , ardella, xinhao , desmond and melvin(; All staying over at dhe chalet =) Slept at 2plus, zz, tired -.- 17thmay - woke up &ohya ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY , CAIJUN ! ;x Loools, sorry , looked a lil dumb ;x Ahahs, wish you stay pretty always ! My lovable lil ex-stead (; Dhen packed up, checked out at bout 10.45am ? Lools, still yawning ehs xD Headed to have our breakfast at burger king, dhen haohe&jinhao came along(; Suggested to take bus but dhey wan mrt =.- Jiu take lorh , lols . reached amk hub, met up with jasmine , ingelica, ophila and kenny(; Went into the theatres and watched ; Speed racer. Dhe middle part was ; BORINGGGGGG -.- But dhe last part, wasehs, FUN mannns ! xD Ahhas, so overall ranking ; Kinda nice (; Didnt regretted watching also . dhen ate dinner and went back to hougang point's playground downstairs xuanyi's block. Lols,played catching xD Reminded me of my childhood time :D Fun laaaaaaas , went to take bus at bout 9pm ? Reached compass point, shop , played water fountain ! :DD It was damn fun can ?! Playing damn madly with ophila and jinhao. Crazy people =) Went home ; DRIPPING all dhe way long :p Got scolded for going home late -.- dhen bathed, slept . Damn tired cans ?! But was fun ((; Conclusion ; dhe chalet was absoultely fun(; BBQ TONG , HUAT ah ! :DDD imsorry,sorrysorrysorry. buticantdenydhati;uoysevolllits♥ 18thmay'o8 ; sunday(; Woke up late >< So didnt went for church service ;x Sorry ! ;x Stayed home till four plus, dhen des dhey all asked wanna go slac nords. Dhen jiu go lor :D Went to meet jinhao, xuanyi &xinhao at hougang mall at bout 6plus ? Expected, i was late ;x must change dhis habit uh ! >< Didnt really eat much ; a curry puff . for dinner, dhen jiu play arcade, and -- slack ? (; went home bout 8plus(; Guai right ? xD slept and snor ? zzz -.- 19thmay'o8 - Monday(; Went to meet up with jerome at compass point at 11plus. Saw ophila & jinhao . Cant pei them go cause had to keep my promise of accompanying ingelica ><>
Dhen lools, dhat augustine yuen ! So late lahs ! Let me and jerome wait at sengkang while poor gelly waiting alone at serangoon mrt dhere -.- Lol , finally, 12plus , he came. Dhen went to take dhe mrt with, me, jerome, jeremy &augustine. Met ingelica on the other side of the mrt and headed to orchard. Walked a veh long way ehy ! D; Tiring, and with three hungry dumboos keep saying ; " I want mai dang dang , i want mai dang dang ! " Which means , macdonals -.- Like never eat before liddat siah ! ;x Finally reached , bought the "What happen in vegas" movie tickets &shop around((; Time reached, went in and well , dhe movie was nice ! :D Was interesting and dhe last part was, touching >< Dhen shop around dhe orchard mall , saw caijun's sister ! :D Said helloos and walked off with a smile ! =)) From dhe movie, learnt a sentence , "I'd rather do nothing and be happy dhan doing something which i dont like(; " Make sense eh ? thought so too ! ;D After dhat , gelly went off home, walked around and went to sculpture park. Discussed bout dhe upcoming chalets ;D Gonna be busy , sigh. Later, bout 9plus ? went home. Ahahs, was kinda tiring laas, but .. fun though(: 20thmay'o8 - Tuesday(; Ohya, dhis day , HAIS ! Make me cry and cry. Sigh, but dunno why , when she asked ophila if i was crying, i was kept telling her nord to say the truth, &turn back faking a smile telling her ; i arent crying (; But hais , forget it barh , it's all over . Gotta learn to let go, trying real hard )); Dhen afternoon had training , woah, tiring . &tolerating dhat toad coach -.- Headed to hougang point after training(; Jyeling and eunice, told me quite aloto things ;l &Jasmine was sad too, hais ! ); Shall nord say bout whad , you should know . Went home, bathed , slept . zz ); 21thmay'o8 - TODAY ; WEDNESDAY (; Loooools, was late -.- Tamade, missed my bus siah ! ;l Dhen went back to class, sianed . Blahblah x.x boring . Cried , nord knowing why also, hais ); Only ahling know whad happened (; Dhen, yea, went for guitar and played with chunwee dhey all . Actually , is dhey play, i just sat dhere , watched :D &LOL ! Today, xinfa and my phone, was like. LOL ! Spoil after one another ;x He passed me his handphone dhen i just hold it, after dhey ended dhe game , his phone suddenly went ; BLACKOUT DD: ! Im like , HUH ?! Ohshit ! Dhen kept apologising to xinfa >< Dhen he told jinhao ; "I believe is no battery barh :D" Looools, how kind of my dumb pig xD Dhen jinhao also, after seeing my inbox -.- My phone suddenly went BLACKOUT too ! DD; Dhen i smiled at him ((; Saying ; " I believe is no battery :D" Looools, laughed and went home together :D Wellwell, tomorrow having parents meeting. Hais, done Badly for my subhect T.T Failed 4, sianed ;l Hope everything will go fine (; &thanks peiling, jinhao, xinfa and ofcourse hueylin for everything these days((; Thanks for all those encouragements and advices. You guys rawks to the core ! <3 LOVEs ! ♥♥♥♥
11:40 PM ♥
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Science centreeee :D Ahahs, posting again. Hmmm, happened loads of things lately ;l Sigh, lost my precious romance. 213 days, of loveeee. ♥ Well, im gonna just do whad dhey say, change & nord say empty sorries. Didnt expect her to forgive me either, Now just wanna get well from my sickness. &Stay happy :D If only i could ;l Blahblah , anyways, Thanks people, for caring for me when i went sick with super high fever. 39.7 degrees sehs DD; Loools, thankyoouu peeps ! <3 &Thanks jinhao for dhat cookie monster ! :D Rawrs , is so cute can ? x} Well dhen , about today . Went to science center, dhen got a talk about light. Kinda fun luhs, learned quite alot of stuffs also(; Refraction ! :DD See, im guai and listens in class ;x Hmm , dhen went to imax theatre. Watched dunno whad documentary show, talked about river risk, and dhat our water's running out. Lol , must save water from now on. x) Dhen went to the shops and look around. Playful Ardella went to open dhe magic ink thingy. &got scolded by dhat stupid uncle. So whad luh him. ask her pay for it somemore -.= Sigh, then della no choice lor, jiu use her lunch money and pay for dhat . Poor della , upset whole day siahs ); Hais, cheerup della ! ;D Dhen went back to school, left the bus with my cramp leg T.T Hurts, lol , limping out . Dhen had watermelon for lunch x) Later went to compass point with ophila &jasmine. Pei ophila to shop for her one month anni with xuan tomorrow xD Sweet sehs, {(; Ahahas, dhen went home with ophila at 3plus. Veh tired, &slept . Zz, woke up and ohyessssss ! My computer fixed hao lerh(: Dhat's why now can use, but re-formated everything. So empty now. Just like my heart . Lol ;x &Lim chun weeeeeeeeee . My naughty boy ; didnt go for ncc heh ! Asked him go and go , didnt -.= But neverminds, dhat's whads cute bout him x) Hmmm , nothing to write le barh ? Takecares everyoneeeee ! ;D loooools,guessitwasallnevermeanttobeinthefirstplacebarh? jiayous,i'llchange.aahhaas,loves. loveeeeeeeees,♥ sabbieee ;DD
10:45 PM ♥
Saturday, May 03, 2008
♥, let it go . Finally blog, ahas, sorry eh , house computer faulty ;l So gotta go cousin's house . Hmms, nowadays , happened loads of stuffs . Especially dhose sad ones . Me&her, i guess it was all never meant to be ? ;l let's start with ..24.04.08 ? (; Ahahs, was me and huairen's first month{(; Morning met him, walked together to school. Hmm , didnt talk much luhs, dhen ... nothing lorh ? ;x Looools, at recess, passed him th present(: Whad was it ? Wax lah dey , ♥ Lol , also do card, and the wrapping is i wrap de ohkay ! Ahahs, dhen after school he gave me (; A cute lil bear & card ♥ Seriously lah, dhis's dhe firsttime i recieved a card from my boyfriend at dhe first month. Looools ;x Thankyoouuuus dear ! Loveeeee them ! ♥♥ Ahhhems, dhen i went to eat & study with ingelica and friends. Morning-afternoon was happy. But went night came ; sad thing's gonna happen . Or should i say , i has already happen ? Lol ;x Night time, realised i didnt sms her dhe whole day. Which her ? Cant say ;x Felt so uneasy, but knew dhat she'll be busy smsing her new upcoming boyfriend. So i went to sms her in a xianlan tone ;l Texting dhat dhose days without me veh happy right? Nord like last time with me everytime worry, especially after me & him went together. Friends heard whad i sent to her all says, im selfish. Cause i already have him , why shuld i still wanna bother bout her and her life? But whad i did was, i went to xialan her, nord only testing whether she has ed me, but also see if her attitude for me has changed. Well, she changed. Seriously. To other people, it was a good change, to me, is nord at all . Infact, i even once hate , why he has come to tempt her to change. Nord my he but her he . Coming back tuh dhe xialan thingy, she ofcourse, relied back in a bu shuang way. Lol, i was bathing dhat time. It was always a perfect time for me to cry & emo. Most of my breakups messages were sent to me at bathing time too. This time, no exception . Since me & her are steads , she said, might as well end dhis all . Let's break . Ouchhhhs, that hurts, alot . Im crying like shit luhs, cause i think i havent even gotten over her before i stead with my guy. Dhat's why called myself; bitch ♥ Sigh, guess all good things never last barh. Just like me & her. Shared through thick & thin together. But she was struggling to breathe between close friends & stead . So she chosen letting me go . Well, now, we both still steads luhs. Just nord as close niah . Sometimes she bored jiu sms me lorh. Same goes for me too. Nord like last time, treating each other as th earest & closest sms partners. Loooools, just as said, people likes to rack things up in dhe past to complain bout their lives x) Hmmmms, now , im starting to let go. Hope i could lorh ;l Trying as hard as i could, nord to remember dhe hapy times we shared together like last time. As i knew, they aren't gonna hapen ever again . She also reminded me, if i dont let go, im dhe one losing out ; nord her. Well, i could see dhat she's really happy now compared to dhe last time. Now dhat she has a goal for herself, a right thing to be done. All i can do, is to try my hardest to matchmake my best sister and him together ! ;D Jiayous worhs, gogo ! {(; Dont feel giulty or having a thorn in your heart. Cause it isn't completely your fault toos. Like whad Jinhao told me, if i hadn't sent you dhat message, xialan-ing you, all things wouldn't have happened. Ohwells, carry on with your lifegal ; Promise to stay happy, with or without me kay? =) iloveyougann ! ;D Along these sad days, caring friends around me has encouraged me to stay strong. Apart from dhis sad case, there was another, but these friends never fails cheering me up with dheir lame jokes ! ;x Rawkers like ; Julia , Ingelica , Caijun, Yeexuan, Cheryl , Peiling , Ardella , Melvin , Haohe&more((; Special thanks to Jinhao ! ;x Thanks for everything you guys , loveee yall always ♥♥ Ahahs, dhe other sad thingy is about my boy. He's a good guy, too good i say. Just hope dhat he'll know how to speak up. Rather than keeping everything inside. But most of the time, im the cause. Friends said he doesn't wanna express nor say them out is cause, He doesn't want me to be upset by his words. How thoughtful , that's why he's just so nice. I wanna last longlonglong with him, &forget about dhe past, start afresh{(; As for today ? Did nothing luhs, Post niah ;D Ahahs, well, everyone jiayous for mid-year exams uh ! Study hard hard ! STRAIGHT As ! ♥ with loveeees, Maniac sab-itch ♥ xinfa, please help to take good care of caijun for me. 她是我的宝♥ Protect her all you can & pei her whenever you could. Dont wanna see her upset or so ;l Chunwee, thanks for all your understandings, really appreciatted loads. Will love you more & more derh ! ;D MWARK S! ♥
5:15 PM ♥
I love E402, City Harvest Church :D Jesus and Holy spirit :} Kefei(♥), Emily(♣)&Shuwei(♦). &Guitar family :B ! Ofcourse, all my friends and gans :} Especially those whom has always been there for me: Jasmine.K, Melvin, Brandon, Wenting, Jiahui, Shanelle, Chrislyn. :) Last Updated: 11 feb'10
Happy always! ♥♥♥ Good results! :) Grow taller! :[ More money! $.$ Volleyball Cute furry pencil box Cute earrings! :p White shorts Small Mirror White flats Nice dresses Customized hp chain Cute hp strap Crumple bag Big big eeyore(s) ! Let the fire of my Spirit for Him to always burn! :) I want my sunshineeeee. :( Shop like a crazy ass ! :B Going through thick and thin together, Facing consequences and sharing happiness. Even if someday some misunderstanding stood up, Do not give up, you need not have to 'pay back'. Continue doing your part as a friend. Keeping helping them. Cause, That's whad true friends are. And also whad i believe in :) Loves, Sabby :D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes, actions may not be appreciated by others whom you really cared for. But as long as you know dhat you're doing your part, dhat's good enough :) The level of faith, is the level of forgiveness. I love all my friends :) Do you ? :D Hahaha. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hs Guitar Ensemble ♥ HS Leadership Council ♥ Four'E'fourrrr ! Soundwaves ({(: A,B,C&D(s) Alvin ♥Amanda.K Amanda Amanda.Y Andrea April.C Ardella Andy Asyikhin Axel BabyJoy Brandon.C Brandon.H CaiJun Calvin Cecilia ♥Celine.L Cheryl.C Cheryl.Y Chuan Dong ChunFai Deannz Desmond Doreen E,F,G&H(s) Eastella Eddin Edna Ellyn Elysia Enoch Eric.T Eunice Fathul Farhan ♥Fate.S Felicia Fred Ghimchoon Gina Haien Haikai Hakkim Haohe HuiMin HuiQi Huiting Huixin I,J,K&L(s) Inez ♥Ingelica.L Janice Jasmine.C Jasmine.S Jasper Jessica Jesslyn.N Jiaen ♥Jiahui Jialing Jiasiang Jiaxuan Jiaxuan Jillian Jieyi Joanne Joey Joey Joey.O Jolene Jotina Jovina Joyce Julia.O Julia Junhan Junze June Jyelin KaiHong Kiwi ♥Kefei Kenny KokSiong Laureen Linda Liying M,N,O&P(s) Magdeline Marcus Marcus.C Melissa.Y Melissa Miriam Momo Natasha Nicholas Nicholas Nicole Nigel Nora Olivia Ophila Peiling Peishun Peixian Q,R,S&T(s) Qianhui Qingxiang Qinyin Queenie Regina.T Rouwen Sabrina Sabrina.F Selicia.L Shannon Sharifah Sheena Sherlyn Sherman Shiyun Shuting Surya Tanny ♥Tiffany Tingfang Thricia V,W,X,Y&Z(s) Vanessa Vincent Vivian ♥Waner Wenjie Wanyi Wayne.W Weiliang ♥Wenting William Xavier Xiangyue Xinhao Xinyi.L Xinyi ♥Xuanwei Xuanyi Yeexuan Yongliang Yuanyiing Yuki Yunhui Yuxin Zarinar Zhengxi Zhilin Zhiyong September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 November 2014 Editor : S/Sabrina ♥ |