![]() Live life to the fullest! |
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Peektures :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ; Pictures for these few days x} Hellooooooo peepooos ! :D Hahahh, these fewdays had just been great :D God's been blessing me with simply things dhat will make me smile everday . Lolllolol :x Praises to Lord ! :D Haa, anyways , just gonna brief through laaas(: 25th June' o8 ; Thursday . Happy birthday , Amanda Khoo :D My naughty lil' boyfriend ! Haaas, hope you and him will go on smoothly eh :D Anything, come share with me(: Hees , stay pretty ! Smawrks ^^ Hoho, anyways , morning as usual . Went for school, dhen had lessons. Loll, boring -.- These few days so many new teachers come. Loll, bad choice x} Hahahas, dhen found out some teacher has a kinda like 'talking to himself/herself' kinda habit :o Isn't it scary ? :x Is like nobody's listening. Dhen he keep talking ang talking to himself, answering himself also x.x Ofcourse is none other dhan, kang jian luhs , our chinese teacher. &Ms Neo, maths teacher also. Aiyerrrrr , blahhhh x.x No offence :D Haaa, kept taking pictures with ophila nowadays lohs. Dhen kept saying dhis sentence : Nice ? Yes . Want again ? Yes . Lolll , sound kindaaa .. Oops, nothing :D Hoho, dhen after school , had lunch. Got changed to volleyball jersy. Left for NAFA test at 3.15pm . Loll ;O Dhen waited till 4.oopm. Done all dhe 5stations , is damn tiring lohxszxzxsxzx ! I can DIE man ! Somemore, after returing to volleyball , i kept jumping dhe frog style. Cause i cant start dhe ball nicely >:c So angry of myself lohs. Good for nothing -.- In dhe end , got myself a great big bruise on my left knee, cause kept falling on my knees . Loll, clumsy ;/ &whole body damn aching laaaaas x.x Dhe went to hougang point , slacked till like nine plus ? Went home, bathed, sleep :D Ohshit -.- All dhese happened on tuesday, nord thursday xD Hahhaha ! ;x Ohyaaa, i wanna shre bout thursday ! Went to kefei house after vollayball dhat day, with deannz and , ofcourse kefei xD Dhen her brother . Kinda like went crazy upon seeing deannz ? .___. Dhay started to play , quite fun at first but he got kinda, too high ? Dhen starting beating and bitting deannz . Ohmy . Poor lesbo ): &when i saied bite, he really bite ! D: Dhen Loll , he wanted to bite everyone, including me and kefei. She was so scared dhat she ran outta her house and pulled her key off. Guess whad , her key chipped off ._. LOLLL ! She couldn't go into her own house lohs xDD Ahah, lucky got her relative help her open dhe door, orelse , Loll ;x Dhen bout 11pm ? Boared dhe bus 161, heading for home . Was too tired and fell asleep. Dhe next thing i knew when i woke up was dhat. I had overslept , and dhe bus is bringing me fom where i should stop, All dhe way to , WOODLANDS ?! Im like, panicking like hell laaaas T.T Started crying lohs ): Cause scared i cant catch dhe last bus , when it was already. Like 11.40pm ? Ahhhhhh ! T.T Dhen bus driver quickly let me stop at dhe nearest station. Ask me to hurried to dhe opposite side for bus 161 again . I cried and cried laaaas T.T Was sooooooo scared ! Why ? Cause 'tomorrow' has school , &i have no money for cab . &I'm afraid dhe last bus has already gone off . Lastly, woodlands is eerieeeee ! >< Finally, dhe bus came ! :D I'm like soooo happyyyyyyyy ! ^^ Dhen when i alighted at my home area , started kissing dhe walls x} So happy to be back luhs ;x Lololll , now dhe thing is . I had a little phobia of sitting 161 now, sighs . Anyway, thanks for dhe messages when i was at loss . Thankyou, Caijun, deannz, jinhao &ofcourse, my mummy ! &jieee :D Ohkay, continuing, let me just say bout ' today ? Loll , x} Went for school, late -.- Sorry uhs chunwee ;x Got you late too ! >< Hmm, dhen went for claases lohs . Nothing , much happened laaah ;/ Dhen went for PE to take height and weight . I'm like , 154cm , weight , confidental :D LOlll ! I grew by 1cm ! ^^ Wheeeeeees ! Veh happy leh, cause i from primary 6 to beginning of sec 2, only grow 1cm siols ! Now lesser dhan a year jiu 1cm leh ^^ Happyyyyy ! But im still short -.- Lolll, nevermind (: Got people shorter ;P Recess, lessons, after school lohs ! :DD Muaahahahahas, stayed in class for awhile, dhen later practised our 'Shak' cheering thingy x} Dhe moves all dhat still ohkay laaaas, haha, but i'm a lil slow ;x So cant really dance dhat well . hhaha, dhen i stopped at 3.15pm liddat ? Cause too tired lohs ;/ slept till like 4.30pm? Caijun woke me up (: Thanks , haaas, dhen ruched for tuition ^^ Thanks babarian , for pei-ing me chiong dhere xDD Hahah , dhen had my english tuition, from 5pm to 6.30pm. Kept falling asleep lahs ><>
Dhen had waffle and bubble tea for my dinner xD Hhaha, went for maths class from 7pm to 8.30pm . Lolll, after dhe class ended . Me and kefei dhe babarian, keep drawing nonsense on dhe whiteboard lohs ! xDD Damn boliao yet funny laaaaaa ! Especially dhe pig , i draw till super ugly lohs xDD Muaahahhahhaas, edwin told me he saw whad me and kefei drew . I'm like, Ohohhhhhhhhh ;x hhaha, but he didnt scold us leh x} I love dhis tuition centre :D Ahhaha, dhen went home, bathed , till now, still using computer :D Haha, tomorrow gonna meet caijun ^^ She's gonna pei me go tampaniess take stock :D Ahah, as for celine , I'll meet you tomorrow if got time ? :x Dont worry, i love bestie celine ! :D Lollols , alrights , buh-byes people . T a k e c a r e ♥ #Even heros, have dhe right to dream . Euthanasia, having dhe right to die .
12:58 AM ♥
Thursday, June 26, 2008
![]() Happy 3rd months, huairen ! :D Lim Chun Wee ; Iloveyouuuu ! :D :D :D Actions specks louder dhan words, thanks for everything (: I wote everything in dhat card already, so yep . Love you more dhan ever, &i promise to give you time ♥ 23rd ♣ Yeexuan bazhanggggg ! Bakua ai ni ! :D Mwarks ! You're 'tasty' ! ;p Loollls, happy 5th months ^^ Stay as naughty as evaaaaaaa ! ♥ 25th ♪ ![]() Happy 1st month, Magdeline deardear ! :D Saya cinta awak ! ♥ You're a veh sweet and cute gal ^^ Thnaks for your words when ever im feeling low (: You rawkkkksssssssssssssss ! :D 26th ★ ![]() Wenting ahmaaaaaaaaaa ! :D Happy 5th month too ! :D Wheeeees ^^ Thanks for concerning me every time . &Cause of you naggies, you became my ahma ! ;x Looolls ;x Muahahhaa ! Love you ! ♥
1:36 AM ♥
Blog's so dead :O Looll, just noticed dhat my blog is like, so dead ? ;x Ahah, now for some updateeeees :D HS Guitar Camp, 18th-20th June'o8 . Dhis camp is like so fun lahhhhs ! :D Made loads of friends too ! Hohoho , 1der-smurfs , gogogogo ! :D Argh, i veh lazy write siols ._____. But i wrote it on my journal review lohs. Now still with teacher :p so .. I'll update bout it asap kay ? ;x Muahahha, nexttttttt ;D Mapleleaf, kopitiam, &green tea rocks ! :D &Nord forgetting my lesbooooo ! x} Plus, my nehneh and babarian :D Looll ;x Nevermind if you dont understand dhe nicknames ;x hohohooooh ! ~ 22nd June'o8 , Sunday . Loll , woke up dhat morning, went for church :D Pastor preeched bout how people learn to serve and stayed loyal after so many obsticles. Although sometimes when dhey serve, dont get appreciated nord just once, but lots of times. Pastor Kong told us to never give up serving :D Learn to serve and serve to love :D Haaaas, ended at 12pm + , had some snacks. Went for dhe CHIC lessons ;o Lolll, after dhat , rushed to chinatown to meet up with my mum, caijun's mum and caijun :D Hahahha, met my mum, settled off to find caijun and her mum . Looll, went round in circles, asked for directions and reached CK . Shop shop shop, walk walk walk . Till legs veh numb siols .___. But bought clothes ! :D Looll , whoooooo ~ Dhen ate dinner. Kinda had a feeling we like shopped for more dhan 4hours ? Looll, don't mind us, gals afterall =) Hahha, enjoyed myself dhat day . Da jia wan sui ! :D Deannz lesboooooo, you rawks manxszxszx ! ♥ {22nd june' o8 , 10.53pm /} Ilove my galgal toos (: Smwarks , woaini . Bestfriends , with benifits :D
1:14 AM ♥
Friday, June 20, 2008
You're alwaya commenting on whad mistakes i"ve made. Plus loving to suan me in front of people. Th reason i let you suan, is cause i loved you. Please dont force me to like, stop doing dhe things i like ? Sometimes your attitude really, sucks. But your apology heals, everything ? ;l Nord so, actually . But i just wanna say , you're never gonna stop me from doing dhe things i love to do . itmeanstoneverstoplovingyouinanykindaways,
4:23 PM ♥
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Camp D: Bye peepoos . Hahahhas, gonna go for my guitar camp later :D Will be MIA from 18th - 20th June . Loolls, think gotta surrender phone before starting the camp -.- So mafanxsszxzxsxzsxxzsxs ! Ohwells , takecares everyone :D Loolls, don't miss me too much uhs . 2Days ! Veh fast de ^^ imissmissmrboyfrienddddddddd ))):< ! #&i'm gonna miss you too ♥
2:35 AM ♥
The HULK Haaaas , let's start with yesterday ? Dhen i'll post another post for today yea ? :D Yesterday :D Woke up at 12noon ? ;x Was late for dhe meetups with caijun and xinfa . Chiong-ed and prepared . In dhe end, still have to wait for dhat slowpork bestie of mine, Tan Jin Hao -.- th ass ! Loolls, met with him like 35minutes later ? Finally, sat onto dhe bus . Dhen reached hougang point :D Rannnnnnnnn to dhe mac . Oopps, was like already 1.45pm ? ;x Jinhao and i were like late for 1hr 45min ? SORRY >< Dhen waited for bus 72, sat off to tampaniess mall :D So long lahs, an hour plus siols -.- Fianlly, reached :D Haaas, dhen bought our movie tickets , watched ; The hulk . Waited for Melvin to come, dhen off we set , to watch dhat greenish freak D: Ahahs, overall , i was ; Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D But i think kungfu panda nice ;x Nehneh caijun -.- Kept saying i veh noisy throughout dhe movie ._. Where got siols ;x I'm like, so guai can? (: *Ahems, dhen continue continue x} So, me, jinhao, xinfa, melvin &caijun went to Toy'r'us to play . How childish , but fun can :D Took pictures all dhat. Kept playing lohs x} Fun , fun, fun :D ![]() Dhen, went to played around dhe mall .
12:48 AM ♥
KUNGFUUUUUUUUUUUUU ! HAPPY 21th BIRTHDAY, JAMIE :D Helloooooo all :D Haaaaas, went to watch kungfu panda today ! Highly recommanded :DD I can laugh just right aftering crying xD Too funny le luhs, &dhe panda, damn cute canzxsxzxsxs ! Ahahs, ohkay, chill chill . Kay. Let's start :D Today, woke up at twelve. Nord enough sleept -.- Cause slept at five plus in dhe morning dhe yesterday. Looolls, terrible me -.- Hmm, dhen bathed (finally after rebonding), dhen jiu set off to find ingelica at rivervale plazza dhe bus stop dhere. In dhe end, met her in dhe bus instead . Looolls, reached hougang point . She had to collect dhe money for her class's tees. So, me and her , sat dhere waiting for her classmates to come . Singaporeans uh, haissssssssssssss . Late, late, late de. Haiyoyoyoyohs ;x But i am one myself luhs x} How typical . HAH -.- Dhen, in dhe end , only seven came . Looolll ? -.- Poor ingelica, waste her efforts and time ;l Dhen waited for xuanyi and dhe unexpected haohe to come at mac. &Set off to hougang mall together :D Reached there, saw Melvin solo . Seeeeeeeeeeeeee , dhe other peeps are late ! Snapshots xD Singaporeans D; Hah . Dhen followed by xinhao , cheryl.c & ardella :D Lastly, huiqi and jiahui (; Took mrt to plaza singapura , went to dhe cathay dhere to buy tickets for kungfu panda :D Sighs, ardella left first, so jinhao joined us for dhe movieeeee ^^ Had lunch and off we went for dhe cinema . Looolls, It was ohgosh , sooooooooooo nice ! :DD Too eaggerating ? Thought so -.- Loolls , suffering from great depression . Hmmm, dhen i had to rush to my cousin's 21st birthday party at yio chu kang D; &I'm lateee ! How typical x} Dhen reached dhere, was late for dhe party like 2h 30min ? Sorry jamie cousin ;x After had some snacks, went for photo takings and all dhat . Dhen lastly, dhe dance floor :D At first, me and my smallest cousin, akina, were like damn shy lahs . Nord dare to join dhe others in dancing . But soon joined together and danceeeeeee ! :D Loooolls, fun laaas ! Dhen till eleven plus , dhe party ended ): Had lots of balloons floating upon dhe celling, had fun trying to take them all ! ;D Haaaaas, took photos , blahblahblah x} Akina and me :D Took a bunch of dhem in dhe end, dhen set them to dhe skies in open space :D So nice luhsssssssssss , dhen got sent home in uncle vincent's car . Reached home , bathed , play com till now ;x Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnns ~~~ Tireeeeddddddd -.- Ahahs, tomorrow gona go church , or should i say , later ? LOOOL , PHOTOS TO BE UPLOADED / HAPPY FATHERS' DAY :D -papa, wishing you with eternal health♥
3:44 AM ♥
Friday, June 13, 2008
-.- ![]() Helloo all , nord really in a good mood right now -.-
Zzzz . Ohwell, just briefly go through my days. Hmm, yesterday ? Went to rebond my hair with ingelica and jiahui. Disgusted ? Yea, i felt dhe same -.- Kinda regret luhs, but need time to adapt ;l Dhat moring went for training lohs. Jye lin ask us to take out dhe studs all dhat. I talked back lohs, she angry, walked off. So rude of me right ? Yea i know. &Im sorry . She wanna forgive me or nord, up to her luhs. My fault also whads, how bitchy of me -.- Zz , dhen after training, went to jun house. Do assessements, dhen she cook for me eat :D Loolls, how nice, &is yummy ;p Dhen chat lohs, till bout' 4plus, left for dhe bus stop. Met with ingelica, dhen jiahui , dhen went to dhe salon. Rebond liaos, went home lohs, kept touching my hair x} Loolls, dhen played maple . Slept soon after , 12plus. Tired, stressed out . Today, woke up at 12plus. Washed up and rushed to caijun's house. Loolls, she passed me my phone, dhen jiu go lohs. Jinhao and i jiu slacked around lohs , took photos. x} Bestfriend rawks ! :D ![]() After dhat, jiu went to ave8 dhere de mac. Saw sly, lool, dao him ;x Had lunch dhere, dhen i headed for tuition. Haaaas, first was english . Dhe teacher was kinda humourous lahs x} Dhen after english was maths, Loolls , dhis teacher. Very humourous x} Kept making us laugh luhs. Loollls, looks like my first time tuition wasn't dhat bad afterall . Had bubble tea for dinner , went home , with bestfriend. Loolls, dhen back home , use comp :D Sighs, dunno why lahs. Veh moody dhese days -.- Cause of some fcking idiotic people, Zzzzz . Nevermind, lucky i've got another blog to blurb everything out with names x} *Shiok xD Loolls, ohwells, tomorrow's .. JiaHui 's Fourteenth Birthday :D Hhohos, hope she'll have fun. &takecares peepos , love yall :D #Your actions, still affects me .
10:48 PM ♥
Zzz, fucking hongster , need to tell all dhe buddy i go guailan people sibo ? Knn luhs, i guailan people, you need care so much ? Zzz , Everytime she nord around. jiu honghonghong -.- Dhen spread all dhose uneccassary rumors bout people. Or should i say people whom you grouped under 'cliques' . Fck off on other people's relationship thingy luhs . Dont think i'll need your busybotherd-ness . That's whad you taught me before -.- ! Say whad he your BROTHER , say till so nice. All gum pui luhs, -.- Don't think you veh big luh horh ? You big ? So whad ? My life is my life. You also cant anyhow say wan chup jiu chup lahs. &STOP sprouting rubbish bout people luhs. You dontknow, jiu STFU . Telling for your own good. Nord cause i wanna care, is cause it's affecting me -.- Change before too late luhs , hongster
10:41 PM ♥
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Just another day :D Haaas, dhis morning. Woke up at bout eight ;x Supposingly to reach school at eight . Loolls, dhen faster chiong lohs. Dhen waited for jiahui to pick up her phone ;l She overslept ! :o So i went off first . Hmm , reached school . Saw no one in canteen . Faster ran up to dhe hall , &LOL ? All playing, warming up with dhe voleyballs lohs . So early laaahs, somemore i'm so hungry ! So me and ingelica sneak down to dhe canteen and ate some noodles x} Ahahas, guai right ? ^^ Dhen had friendly matches with Dunman seconday. Looolls, kinda pro laaahs. But better dhan hougang sec ): Nevermind ! We'll surely win dhem someday :DD Hmmm, firstly is C girls play first . Dhen nord bad lahs , didnt really got trashed till so bad :D Good jobbbbbbbbbb . Soon, B girls turn D: Luckily i nord playing siols ._. Too lousy lohs ): Woaaahs, we got trashed somehow ;l Dhen so pro lahs, kept spking ball . &Dheir start ball , POWER siols ! ._. So hard de lols , sian . Lost dhe match ;l But it isnt a real match lahs . Just friendly match :D Went to canteen, ate lunch and talked . Loolls, ohya . Guni asked me organise outing for volleyballers D; Dear volleyballers ♥ There's gonna be an outing in one of dhe holidays. So please update me which dates you're free ^^ REMEMEBER ASAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :D Please and THANKYOU :D Loolls, x} Hmm dhen talked bout somoeone lohs ;l &Sharing our own lives , holidays . Me, ingelica, and adella :D Hmm dhen bout 2' plus . Two of dhem gotta go for dance D; So i went to xuanyi's house lohs . Went up, reached outside. Loolls, nord dare to open dhe door , ringed jinhao, ask him open door for me though is unlocked xD Ahahs, thankyou besfriend :D Lolls, jinhao and xuanyi played comps , i do assessments :D Guai right ? ^^ But a few questions later jiu slept ;x Dhen xiaoen dont let me sleep ! )); Kept saying : "Wake up, wake up ! " RAHHHHHHHHHHHs , loolls, bobian . Xiaozhuren of dhe house also x} Dhen jiu see dhem play maple lohs ;l So kinda sian lahs , Dhen bout 6.30pm ? Went to hougang point buy some snacks . Went up and ate . Dhen like bout 8pm ? Me and jinhao went home . Sighs , poor xuanyi , Got scammed by a stupid guy. Think dhe character name is 'xChocolatesx ' bahs ;l Look out uh ! His 2.5m liddat gone lohs -'- Hmm, reached home . Felt assed . Went to bath , kept crying.Looolls, im fine now (: Just crying cause i've something in dhe heart . Needa catch some air :D Ahahs , dhen play com till now ?(: Tomorrow gonna pierce tongue i think ;l Dhen meeting vincent and jinhao to causeway point . Loolls, too bored laaaahs -.- Hope i'll have it pierced tomorrow ? :D -Boyfriend, cheerup kays ? Sorry uhs, phone went nuts. Didnt mean to kup your hone de D; Anyways , just dont do anything first lohs ? Continue and be his stead , dhen if he tries to hurt you again by using other people. One word , break . Dont need pity dhis kinda freako . You deserves a much better guy :D Dont worry, ilyouus ♥ #Bestfriendddddddds ♥♥♥
1:37 AM ♥
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
![]() HAPPY FOURTEENTH BIRTHDAY JINHAO BESTFRIEND :DDD Helloooo all :D Today, moring went back form aunt house to home. Dhen, prepared everything for dhe outing later x} Wrapped jinhao's present and off i went :D I'm like so darn late -.- Looolls, dhen reached hougang point. Was informed dhat dhey were at xuanyi's house. Went to have photos printed , dhen met with cheryl.c and huiqi(: Kept lesbo-ing beside me lahs -.- Dhen went up to xuanyi's house, Saw, birthday boy, jinhao . &Xuanyi , and caijun and wayne (: Playing comps x} Hmm, dhen cheryl shared with me whad happened ;l Sighs, men are jerks ;x Comforted her and lollls , say craps lohs ;x Later, chunwee came ^^ Wheeeeeeeees , loolls , finally . He's wearing something different =) Dhen lastly, waited for xinfa to come :D Slowpokkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ! ;x Soon, came and went off to dhe bus stop to take 43. Looolls, dhe journey was long luhs. So bored lolzxszxszx x.x Finally reached (: With help from caijun asking dhe bus driver. Lazy xuanyi ! Need chunwee carry x} Loolls , dhen jiu walk walk walk . Haflway dhere , jiahui called me. She was lost ! :o Ahahas, dhen i jiu teach her how to go lohs . So had i to walk allllllllll dhe way back ._. I also got lost actually xP But asked around and found my way to dhe bus stop. So many laoteekoh lohs , talk to me for nothing -.- NEHHNEHH asses . Haaas, finally saw her dhen walked back again. Reached and saw dhem all playing along dhe sea x} Joined in dhe fun dhen LOL . Had fun looollls ^^ Loves ! :D Sad thing is , when dry wayne wanted to help us take a group picture while we were in dhe sea , Ohgosh, chunwee's phone was like, ROLLING down dhe slope and . Booooof ! Landed for swimming . All panicked lahs, dhen help him find . Walaoooooooos, poor thing siols , soaked for so long ;l Sighs, boy Cheerups ): Dhen wayne kept helping him to try drying dhe water and sand out of dhe phone. People all got injured lahs , cause alot of sharp rocks in dhe water ;l Jinhao and chun wee both got bleed siols , huiqi also . Takecares all ♥ Dhen went to find tilet for us to wash up. Found a so called open area , covered with walls . Dhen need to press dhen water will come out dhat place . Wash and wash lorh . Funny lahs , all do veh erxin dhe actions loh x} Especially huiqi ! ;x Ahahas, clean yet wet , went back to dhe beach area . Cute uncleeeeeeee ! :DD Went to rent for bicycle , 2hours . Set off with hungry stomachs growling loud x} So went to buy macdonals with dhe boys . Bought and hang on our bike ^^ Loollls, huairen didnt rent any marhs , i somemore tired also ;l Jiu ask him ride mine lohs, But uhs , so stubborn laah him . Keep pushing dhe vicycle rather dhan riding -.- So dhe others went ahead first . Finally, jinhao and xinfa came . Jh, lent him his bike cause they wanna ride dhe two person bike x} So ya, finally . Caught up with dhe others =) But sadly , huiqi has to go home. So lol . went back lohs . Dhen halfway to dhere , huairen went home . When reached dhere , saw xinfa and chunwee . LOL ! 0.o I thought he went home already siols ._. Lol , yuan lai i've got his wallet in my bag x} Passed to him , kissed him goodbye dhen zooooom . Went off to his father's car . Dhen went to return dhe bikes at bout 7.45pm . Huiqi went home , dhen dhe others sat down and slack lohs . WOW , damn lots of stars today laaas ! :DDD Ahah, dhen till like 8.15pm ? Jiahui had to go off, so all went together =) Took bus 43 back . Alighted with caijun, jiahui and jinhao at dhe woodbridge dhere. Caijun went home, while dhe three of us took bus 161 :D Heees, dhen jiahui went home. Me and jinhao dont wanna go home so early , so went to dhe rivervale mall. Buy ice-creams ^^ Dhen lollls . talked with my badminton court fellows :D Miss dhem so much laaaaaaahs >< Chunwee,Caijun,Jiahui,Jinhao,Xinfa,Xuanyi,Cheryl.C,Wayne,Huiqi(; They are loveeee ♥♥ #I Never left you , you did )); Butseriously.Donteepblamingyourself. Forwhadyousayasdraggingmeintodherelationshipindhefirstplace. Iwasawilingparty,&idontblameanyone. yea,i'mahrashperson.tryingtochangedhishabitoff. sighs,itoo,wannabeclosefriendswithyou. buttome,imthinkingiarentanyonespecialtoyouanymore): Dhefeelingisntvehnice)); Canyoubemyfiance?T.T guessyouwontagree,sighs. Takecare♥
12:38 AM ♥
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Singapore flyers :D Should i runaway ? )': Helloooos peepoos :D Haaaaas, today woke up early at 9am . Loools, dhen went to wash up and change. Got down to rivervale mall with my cousin to meet my aunt :D Ate breakfast in macdonals , fat -.- Hmms, dhen went to aunt house first cause she need to clean house x} Dhen i jiu use her house com play and play lohs :D Later like bout 3plus ? Set off in car to marina area . Wheeeeeeees, sonna sit in dhe singapore flyers at 5.30pm ^^ Excited , x} Reached dhere at bout 4plus ? Settled down at a nice restaurant and ate afternoon tea :D All shared salads , pastas and CAKES ! :DD Yummyyummy :D Ohya , before going to have tea . Saw dhis thingy , plus more artificail animals on display lahs . After dhat, went to check in at 5pm. &dunno whad has gotten to me. Me gastric suddenly hurts alot ): Blehs , locked myself in dhe toilet . Kept vomiting x.x Sighs , how uncomfortable ;l Some friends concerned bout me , well others . No feel . Ohwells , dhen carried on . Went inside dhe dunno whad things lahs ;x Dhen whooooooooooo , slowly went higher and higher ^^ Veh nice scenery siols ! Hahas, took auite alot of picturees . But didnt move about so much cause wasnt feeling really well ;l Aunt said i have a weak gastric ? D: Here are some pic(s) :D Looolls, anyways , dhe whole journey was like, Half an hour ? Lol, dhe tickets arent cheap. I think mine is already like , $29 ? Terrible x.x Hmmm, feeling much better already . Walked around dhe area and shopped for stuffs . In dhe end , nothing . Accompanied my cousin to dhose booths with interesting stuffs. Done dhem all ^^ Looollls, reminds me of my childhood x} Hmm, went to ate a light dinner at poppaye . Long long queue o.o Ate in a jeffy, and left in uncle vincents' car for his new shop :D Ahahs, was around chopm chomp area, Still renovating =) Gonna sell steamboats i think , ahahs. Jiayohs worh ! :D After a lil while , went back home , Tveeeeee , &bathed . Used comp till now ? ((; Had fun today laaaaas . Everything went kinda smooth. Except for dhat tummy upset and vomiting ); Tomorrow gonna go church in dhe morning :D Hope i'll wake up in time ? {(; Takecares peepoos , love you all . &ohya , 1more day to Jinhao's birthday :D Sighs, nord really have mood to post though. Kinda upset by some words from people )): Hais, putting up a strong front :D Sabrina's strong :D #i look up on lesbooooos , mwarks {!}
1:22 AM ♥
Saturday, June 07, 2008
"/ ![]() Rawrs , stupid com. Cannot download maple ! )); Sian laaaahs, sighs . Anyways , helloooo peeppoooo :D Haaaas, super bored now ;l Morning , woke up at 8plus. Back from aunt house to home . Dhen went back to sleep. Loollls , tired x.x Dhen, woke up at 2bahs ? Ahahs, lucky nord late for guitar x} Dhen faster rush down to school :D Loooll, i AM LATE -.- Reached schoo,at bout 3.15pm ? Lucky dhose sec ones havent release x} Went to look for Ms. wang and paid for dhe volleyball shoes . Ahahs, dhen went in for guitar . Learnt quite alot of stuffs , country songs ? Niceeeeeeee , lalalalas ~ Dhen ended at bout six pm ? Went to register for tuition with kefei :D Dhat babarian :D Ahahs, Looollls, dhe teachers dhere veh friendly eh :D Woootts , kinda getting excited over tuition next week . Loools, crazy me =) Dhens, went home lohs . Ate dinner , bathed . Play com , argh . Sian sian sian sian sian -.- Bored to th core siols ._. Anyways , think tomorrow's gonna be fun :D Morning , dearest aunt gonna pick me up. Dhen have breakfast , to popular for my assessments . Dhen to ferris wheel or something x} Kinda looking forward , hope tomorrow gonna be sunny ? :D Takecares people, is kinda cold these few days . Looolls, my post nord long enough meh ? Sotong ball say is short -.- Jiu edit lohs . Hmm whad to write leh ? Umm, today . Ate bread ? Rasin bread for breakfast ? &Lunch is ... twistis ? ;x Dinner , bubble tea and chicken rice ? Ohgosh, so lame ! Do i have to mention how many times i visted dhe toilet ? LOOOOOLL ;x Ahdeyyyy -.- Nothing to write laaaaaaaaa ! Ohya, bydheway . Monday, o9 June' o8. Is Jin Hao's BIRHDAY :D Any ideas how to celebrate for him ? Looolls, if have must update uhs . Running outta time x} Anyways, he loves black ! ;D Hinting for his presieeeeee ♥ #Devoted to yoouu ♥
2:18 AM ♥
Friday, June 06, 2008
Youu :D Im soooooooo tired laaas . But loools, must complete dhis post first :D Why ? Cause sotong ball say wanna read my blog x} Ahahs, knowing i wont have time to post tomorrow, jiu post now lohs :D Hmmm, today , woke up. Loooools, never late siahs ! :DD Haaaas, ate breakfast dhen went downstairs to meet up with jiahui {(; Took bus 161, reached school . Thought was late in dhe first place , but . O.O Coach havent come worhs . Until 10am . Loools, quite alot of peole turn up laaaas. Heeees, some people like pig lorh ? Oversleep ;x Oppppps, ohkays, dhen after dhat jiu train train train. JyeLin passed me dhe big bottle of marshmallows :D From hueylin to caijun , how niceeeeeeeeee ! :D Ahahs, ask me help her pass to caijun -.- Dhen went to compass point with kenny and ingelica . Met up with jerome at dhe kfc . Loooolls, so quiet lah him -.- Dhen bought present for my bestfriend ; JINHAO ! :D Looollls, shhhhhhhhhh , dont think he'll read my post x} Hmmms, dhen jiu take bus to hougang green. Gotta pass dhat bottle of marshmallows to caijun marhs =) Passed to her le, dhen keny went up her house to change into our schools' pe shorts. LOL , weird laaaa he wear x} Hmm dhen me, caijun , kenny and jerome walked back to hougang secondary. Saw xiangming halfway , he climbed over dhe gate right in front of our scool camera . Geeeeeeeeeeees :O Siaooooo derhs , looool -.- Dhen kenny changed to our schools' pe shirt . Looools, jerome went home , dhen proceeded to dhe hall. Ingelica had to teach dhe ncc members how to dance ;l All were trying hard but lol . We all danced funny laaaaaaaaaas x} After like 6plus , left school and headed for home. Hhoho, damn hungry lahs, ate and watched tveeee ! :D Bathed, and now, still at my aunt's house xP Loools, and ohya ! Before i came my aunt house saw xinyi dhey all. Ahahs, had a nice chat with dhem ! Awhs, miss dhem all )): Wells, hope can go out someday ! :D Hmmm .. Think gonna sleep right after dhis barhs ? Just posting cause sotong ball asked me to x} Hmmm, tomorrow gonna go for guitarlessons in school. From 3-5 pm. Dhen afternoon like12 gotta go meet Ms wang and pay her my volleyball shoes money. MAFAN ;x After guitar think gonna go fr tuition barhs ? Woooooots, kinda look forward eh ! x} Ohwells , hope tomorrow i'll have time to play maple with dhe crazies ! :DD #Brothers &sisters are loveeeeeeeeeeee ! S
3:03 AM ♥
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Vivo City :D ![]() ![]() They are dhe on who taught me love ♥ Helloooooos :DD Ahhas, today woke up bout' twoplus . Pigggggggg -.- Looools, dhen kept playing com till now lorhs :D Nothing better to do also ;l Alright, i'll just post bout whad happened yesterday ? :D o3June'o8, Tuesday♥ Yesterday, morning went for settle some family affairs. Dhat's why skipped volleyball training & dhe cheering thingy. Dhen after dhat went to met up with caijun dhey all at hougang point mac(; Had lunch dhere and lol, was waiting for Mr. Xuanyi to come -.- Loools, came and set off to dhe bus stop to take 72. Ahahs, went to hougang mrt dhere. Took dhe mrt to serangoon :D Dhen waited for dhe 'last minute decided to tag along guy' ; Mr.Xinhao x} Loools, so long la dey ! Dhen finally after like half an hour or so, finally came :D So all together 10 peepoooos ! :DD Dhey are ; Ingelica, ardella, caijun, me, chun wee, melvin, xuan yi, xinhao, jinhao &xinfa :D Haaaaaaaaaaaas, dhe big clique , with some people nord able to come. Lolls . Dhen sat all dhe way to harbourfont mrt . Went to vivo city :D Bought the tickets for ' Accuratcy of death ' movie tickets {(; Ahahs, shopping ! Shop shop , walk walk , see see lorh :D Dhen went to buy popcorns all dhat , went in :D Haaaaaaaaas, dhe movie was nice ! Seriously nice :D Didnt thought so in dhe first place but after getting the whole story understood, i find it nice ! :D Loools, im slow ;x Dhen dhose guys, dunno whad dheir up to -.- Kept throwing popcorns all around. Childish ! ;x Hmms, dhen loool, peeps started going home ); Sad siols , even my boy, chun wee also go home. Loools, but nevermind ! Left with me, caijun, xuanyi, melvin, xinfa and melvin ! :D Ahahs, went up to dhe roof top played water. Tamade -.- Dhey all spray me siahs ! Im all wet ! Or , soaked ): Somemore cold leh , brrrrrrrrrr ;l Ahas, dhen had dinner at the rooof top too! How nice, with dhe relaxing wind blowing and dhe night scenery and .... Dhose sickening boys splashing water -.- Haaas x} Dhen went to take mrt . Poor xuanyi, freezing all along laaas, he's so damn wet ! x} Ahahs, luckily i've dried up . Loool . Dhen went home lorhs :D Ahahs, reached home at bout 11.30pm ? Dhen bathed jiu slept. Too tired for com ;l It was a veh fun day laaaas ! :D #For some reasons , i shouldn't have trusted you over and over again.
6:30 PM ♥
I love E402, City Harvest Church :D Jesus and Holy spirit :} Kefei(♥), Emily(♣)&Shuwei(♦). &Guitar family :B ! Ofcourse, all my friends and gans :} Especially those whom has always been there for me: Jasmine.K, Melvin, Brandon, Wenting, Jiahui, Shanelle, Chrislyn. :) Last Updated: 11 feb'10
Happy always! ♥♥♥ Good results! :) Grow taller! :[ More money! $.$ Volleyball Cute furry pencil box Cute earrings! :p White shorts Small Mirror White flats Nice dresses Customized hp chain Cute hp strap Crumple bag Big big eeyore(s) ! Let the fire of my Spirit for Him to always burn! :) I want my sunshineeeee. :( Shop like a crazy ass ! :B Going through thick and thin together, Facing consequences and sharing happiness. Even if someday some misunderstanding stood up, Do not give up, you need not have to 'pay back'. Continue doing your part as a friend. Keeping helping them. Cause, That's whad true friends are. And also whad i believe in :) Loves, Sabby :D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes, actions may not be appreciated by others whom you really cared for. But as long as you know dhat you're doing your part, dhat's good enough :) The level of faith, is the level of forgiveness. I love all my friends :) Do you ? :D Hahaha. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hs Guitar Ensemble ♥ HS Leadership Council ♥ Four'E'fourrrr ! Soundwaves ({(: A,B,C&D(s) Alvin ♥Amanda.K Amanda Amanda.Y Andrea April.C Ardella Andy Asyikhin Axel BabyJoy Brandon.C Brandon.H CaiJun Calvin Cecilia ♥Celine.L Cheryl.C Cheryl.Y Chuan Dong ChunFai Deannz Desmond Doreen E,F,G&H(s) Eastella Eddin Edna Ellyn Elysia Enoch Eric.T Eunice Fathul Farhan ♥Fate.S Felicia Fred Ghimchoon Gina Haien Haikai Hakkim Haohe HuiMin HuiQi Huiting Huixin I,J,K&L(s) Inez ♥Ingelica.L Janice Jasmine.C Jasmine.S Jasper Jessica Jesslyn.N Jiaen ♥Jiahui Jialing Jiasiang Jiaxuan Jiaxuan Jillian Jieyi Joanne Joey Joey Joey.O Jolene Jotina Jovina Joyce Julia.O Julia Junhan Junze June Jyelin KaiHong Kiwi ♥Kefei Kenny KokSiong Laureen Linda Liying M,N,O&P(s) Magdeline Marcus Marcus.C Melissa.Y Melissa Miriam Momo Natasha Nicholas Nicholas Nicole Nigel Nora Olivia Ophila Peiling Peishun Peixian Q,R,S&T(s) Qianhui Qingxiang Qinyin Queenie Regina.T Rouwen Sabrina Sabrina.F Selicia.L Shannon Sharifah Sheena Sherlyn Sherman Shiyun Shuting Surya Tanny ♥Tiffany Tingfang Thricia V,W,X,Y&Z(s) Vanessa Vincent Vivian ♥Waner Wenjie Wanyi Wayne.W Weiliang ♥Wenting William Xavier Xiangyue Xinhao Xinyi.L Xinyi ♥Xuanwei Xuanyi Yeexuan Yongliang Yuanyiing Yuki Yunhui Yuxin Zarinar Zhengxi Zhilin Zhiyong September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 November 2014 Editor : S/Sabrina ♥ |