![]() Live life to the fullest! |
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Yeap, all within you. " Choose your friends wisely. Not for fame nor popularity, but go for personality. " WOAH ! So long long long long long never post le siols D: Ahaha, so sorry readers ! x} Hmmmmm, when shall i start posting from ? Errrrrrs, while thinking. I'll upload photos first bah ! :D Haha. These was 21st Decmber'o8 , Had family chistmas gathering/celebration :D Hohohoh, quite boring la this year :[ They keep watching the soccer ! Then after tht go home lo :[ Veh whad hor ?! :X But ofcourse, got eat and chat lo :D Haha, but still . Boring x( Could be better ! :x Hmmmm, next next ! :B 20 December'o8, Saturday : Volleyball outing ! Happy birthday, Chrislyn Koh Wan Tian ! &Happy happy fifth month too ! ^^ Ahahs, tht day. Was F.u.n :] But i lost my gingerbread ring and my mum's shades there ! :[ So sad lo ! *Sighs, ahahs. Anyway , pictures time ! :B Haha, had fun :] But tired too x.x Hmmm, played volleyball. Chatted most with Cheryl :] She really knocked my senses up o.o &Both of us agreed on loads of stuffs :] Hehe. Then some went for sun-taning, like Ingelica, Shanelle, Jiahui, Caijun and me. Haha, didn't got tanned at all cause the sun's setting down ! -.- But dunno why, i'm the only one who got sun burn .__. Lol, others went to play water ! Haha, can see tht they played till .. .. making up 'sandballs' to throw at one another D: But they enjoyed it ! :B Didn't go into the water, but instead, played more volleyball ! :D Wahahha, then went to wash up, bathe and all tht :) When all done, around 8.30pm plus, went to chomp chomp to eat. I think everyone was either too tired, or too hungry. All moodswing siols ! Including me :D Hehe, but poor birthday gal, Chrislyn, her slipper broke ! D: Was wanting to go and just buy a normal pair of slippers for her before taking mrt to Serangoon. But Someone was just too hungry tht she showed a super black face so just went ahead lo -.- Zzzz, so whad lo ! Bleah -.- Reached there at around 9.45pm ! O.O So late, so hungry, so restless ! D: Haha, rhyme hor ? x} Hmmm, then ate lo ! Went home at around 10.30pm :] Then yay ! Sleep ! :DHehe. Goodbye readers ! Ah-dios ! *Winks x}
1:23 AM ♥
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Hello All :D Hehe, went to watch movie today :D With Deannz, Selicia, Cheryl and Qinyin :] Watched Angus Thongs, & Perfect Snogging :D Haha, but before going to AMK Hub to watch it . Had HLC meeting in the morning :o After meeting, waited for Deannz they all to end thier NPCC :] Then took 156 to AMK hub ;D (HOHO ! C: ) Hmmm, the movie was .. NICE ! :D Hehe, for me la ! :D Went to take 88 to toa pa yoh with Cheryl ad Deannz. Cause that mafan de Mary (Cheryl) needa go her grandma house ! :X While Selicia went home with Qinyin :D Hehehee, after pei-ing Cheryl to toa pa yoh, Deannz and i then went shopping ! :D Haas. Bought some stuffs, and bused home :] Short and Simple , Nice and Sweet :D Wahahhahaa, (SNORE ! ZzzzzzzzzzZZzzzzZZzZ(s) :B )
10:51 PM ♥
Friday, December 19, 2008
How responsibile can you be ?
Hihihihihihihihihihihi people ! :D Haha ! Long time no post ehys ? Rotting le, my blog ! :B Hees, wellwell. I'm a lil forgetful. So i'll just post bout' yesterday and today ? Great idea huh ! :D Heeeheee, i know i know :p Yesterday, went for training at 9am. Was late for 4min i think o.o Haha, then run run run. Warmed up, one-to-one 500times. Then afterwards, kai qiu. Yay ! Guni teached me how to kai qiu :D Thankyou ! (*Huggggggggggggggggggs ! :B) Later, everyone had to go and kaiqiu. Kai bu guo dhen must jump around the whole volleyball court siols ! O.O So kuku ! :X Haha, i first try, can't. Second try, got it ! Yay ! Haha. Then match. First is 18/25. We lost to the juniors ley ! So xia suey. Then second time, we won the juniors :D (Forgotten the scores :X) Hehehehe ! But they aren't serious lo. If not, can win us de ! So Jye lin go angry, and continued training the sec1(s) even after training time (12pm), is over . Fierce leys she :o Haha, finally, training ended at around 12.30pm. Washed up, then got books from hueylin ! Yay ! :D Thankyou, super naughty jie ! :] Hehee, went to Hougang point to eat along with Jiahui, Kelly, Jyelin, and Eunice. Ate noodles, then headed back to school. Wanting to wait for Kelly and Eunice to take thier results. Haha. Whoooooooooo ~ Kelly got 8marks ! Guni got 5marks ! *Clapppppppppppppps ^^ Hahah, then went to caijun house afterwards . Played piano :o WOAH, Jessica super duper pro de lo ! Haha, the headed for tuition. and blah blah :D No mood ! Buhbye :D
1:25 AM ♥
I love E402, City Harvest Church :D Jesus and Holy spirit :} Kefei(♥), Emily(♣)&Shuwei(♦). &Guitar family :B ! Ofcourse, all my friends and gans :} Especially those whom has always been there for me: Jasmine.K, Melvin, Brandon, Wenting, Jiahui, Shanelle, Chrislyn. :) Last Updated: 11 feb'10
Happy always! ♥♥♥ Good results! :) Grow taller! :[ More money! $.$ Volleyball Cute furry pencil box Cute earrings! :p White shorts Small Mirror White flats Nice dresses Customized hp chain Cute hp strap Crumple bag Big big eeyore(s) ! Let the fire of my Spirit for Him to always burn! :) I want my sunshineeeee. :( Shop like a crazy ass ! :B Going through thick and thin together, Facing consequences and sharing happiness. Even if someday some misunderstanding stood up, Do not give up, you need not have to 'pay back'. Continue doing your part as a friend. Keeping helping them. Cause, That's whad true friends are. And also whad i believe in :) Loves, Sabby :D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes, actions may not be appreciated by others whom you really cared for. But as long as you know dhat you're doing your part, dhat's good enough :) The level of faith, is the level of forgiveness. I love all my friends :) Do you ? :D Hahaha. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hs Guitar Ensemble ♥ HS Leadership Council ♥ Four'E'fourrrr ! Soundwaves ({(: A,B,C&D(s) Alvin ♥Amanda.K Amanda Amanda.Y Andrea April.C Ardella Andy Asyikhin Axel BabyJoy Brandon.C Brandon.H CaiJun Calvin Cecilia ♥Celine.L Cheryl.C Cheryl.Y Chuan Dong ChunFai Deannz Desmond Doreen E,F,G&H(s) Eastella Eddin Edna Ellyn Elysia Enoch Eric.T Eunice Fathul Farhan ♥Fate.S Felicia Fred Ghimchoon Gina Haien Haikai Hakkim Haohe HuiMin HuiQi Huiting Huixin I,J,K&L(s) Inez ♥Ingelica.L Janice Jasmine.C Jasmine.S Jasper Jessica Jesslyn.N Jiaen ♥Jiahui Jialing Jiasiang Jiaxuan Jiaxuan Jillian Jieyi Joanne Joey Joey Joey.O Jolene Jotina Jovina Joyce Julia.O Julia Junhan Junze June Jyelin KaiHong Kiwi ♥Kefei Kenny KokSiong Laureen Linda Liying M,N,O&P(s) Magdeline Marcus Marcus.C Melissa.Y Melissa Miriam Momo Natasha Nicholas Nicholas Nicole Nigel Nora Olivia Ophila Peiling Peishun Peixian Q,R,S&T(s) Qianhui Qingxiang Qinyin Queenie Regina.T Rouwen Sabrina Sabrina.F Selicia.L Shannon Sharifah Sheena Sherlyn Sherman Shiyun Shuting Surya Tanny ♥Tiffany Tingfang Thricia V,W,X,Y&Z(s) Vanessa Vincent Vivian ♥Waner Wenjie Wanyi Wayne.W Weiliang ♥Wenting William Xavier Xiangyue Xinhao Xinyi.L Xinyi ♥Xuanwei Xuanyi Yeexuan Yongliang Yuanyiing Yuki Yunhui Yuxin Zarinar Zhengxi Zhilin Zhiyong September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 November 2014 Editor : S/Sabrina ♥ |